Accountability is more than you imagine.

Accountability is more than you imagine.

Accountability: The Trust Builder that Elevates Performance “Accountability breeds response-ability.” Accountability extends far beyond mere responsibility. It’s a crucial trait for thriving in life. While it’s easy to shirk responsibility, pass the buck, or even lie to avoid being accountable, the real test lies in building and maintaining trust. Here’s why accountability is a game-changer…

The Tools I use with my coaching and training

The Tools I use with my coaching and training

“The purpose of the beehive isn’t to make honey: Honey is a by-product of a healthy hive.” The Song of Significance – Seth Godin Why this quote emphasises the need to consider the wellbeing of those involved in any relationship, whether personal or professional When we do that, we create a healthy environment. An environment…

createfulness coaching

What is Createfulness and how does it apply to individuals and organisations?

What is Createfulness? Createfulness is about growth and expansion – whether for personal self-development, or for an idea, team, or venture. The changes needed is not always the easiest, but utilising the 3 tools of play, create and lead produces a more holistic journey that promotes the idea of being cognisant of our well-being, exploring…

Leadership effectiveness

What is an effective leader, and can I become one with training?

What is an effective leader? Some of the questions I commonly receive as an accredited leadership trainer and a credentialed Life and Transformation coach when I’m facilitating my leadership skills program is “What is an effective leader?”, “What is effective leadership?” or “How do effective leaders behave?” I always like to start with what effective…

11. The tables are turned on a crowdfunding success.

11. The tables are turned on a crowdfunding success.

In this latest episode of the Createfulness podcast, the tables are turned as the usual host, Gary Hirson is interviewed. For 20 days he was trying to raise funds via a crowdfunding platform so that he could get to see his photographs that are to be exhibited in the Swiss Museum of transport. In this…

6. It’s never too young to explore personal leadership.

When is a good age to start with personal leadership development? Jayne a Life Coach and ex-school teacher, along with her husband Chris have created a multi-media platform to introduce personal leadership skills to young teenagers. Have a listen to my chat with Jayne as we discuss all that she and Chris are doing, the…

5. Keep it light, keep it interesting, and keep it going!

5. Keep it light, keep it interesting, and keep it going!

Paul Zamek’s mantra is, “keep it light, keep it interesting, and keep it going!” An icon in the global music industry and a fantastic raconteur, Paul, along with his wife -living according to their ideals, beliefs, and aspirations, ventured to foreign lands to start a new. In this episode, Paul not only talks about his…

Leadership and Communication Skills – College Students

Leadership and Communication Skills – College Students

I do realise that we’re currently experiencing very uncertain times. However, I wanted to introduce myself and bring to your attention what I offer in the way of upskilling students in Leadership and Life Skills. I can only imagine the stresses and strains that Chefs, kitchen, and hospitality staff must endure. Hot and enclosed environment,…

Why what you decide to do with your _Createful_ expression Matters

Why what you decide to do with your _Createful_ expression Matters

How your choice of what you do with your #_Createful_ Matter, (our unique brand of #_createful_ expression) Matters…⁠ Whatever our #_createful_ matter is, we can tend to have doubts, to start it, or showcase it to the world. This could be related to self-doubt or doubt that our #_createful matter_ won’t be appreciated.⁠ The thing…

Being of Value is being able to Contribute more?

Being of Value is being able to Contribute more?

Recently I read this quote by Albert Einstein, “Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value,” and it got me thinking.  Our interpretation of success is a personal thing and if striving for success becomes all-consuming, it could result in us becoming self-centered. However, if we prefer to be of value,…

Did the pioneers of yesteryear have duvets and puffy pillows?

This morning I woke up and life seemed…shit! The wind was howling and the rain pelted the shutters. I hadn’t slept well due to stress. I was tired, irritated and all I saw was grey…through very scratchy eyes. Getting out of bed wasn’t my 1st choice.  I’m busy with creating a new online program and…

Celebrating Womens’ day – a 31 day journey…Help Please!!!

Celebrating Womens’ day – a 31 day journey…Help Please!!!

Here I find myself doing research on how to do something, fun, exciting, romantic, entertaining, adventurous, etc. every day for the 31 days of August… …and “why,” you might be asking? I blame it on the combination of the extra glass or two of bootlegged wine during a lockdown lunch and being the ideal and…

Sometimes you’ve just got to take a step back, and let it come together.

Sometimes you’ve just got to take a step back, and let it come together.

This last Sunday morning I was sitting outside in the garden, with my partner Helene- Marie. We were enjoying a cup of coffee on a warmer, clear, winter’s morning, chatting about this and that. Helene – Marie mentioned something related to my Createfulness program that I run, and without realising it I was internally swimming…

Our future can only be determined by looking forward, with no reference to our past.

Our future can only be determined by looking forward, with no reference to our past.

So here I am sitting in my office, my door is closed and just short of a sign hanging on it saying, “DON’T DISTURB!!” I’ve disconnected my internet connection, and my cell phone is upside down, off,  and out of sight. All of this just to write this post. It probably all sounds quite extreme…

The problem with mindfulness is that it lacks drama.

The problem with mindfulness is that it lacks drama.

Mindfulness is too serene, wispy, and it takes too much work. It lacks drama – all the stuff that we love in our lives. In the movie that’s in my head, I continuously swing between the past scenes – reliving old dramas, comparing myself to others, attaching happiness, anger, and regret,…etc. Or to the future…

Coronavirus isn’t the biggest challenge anymore…no, this isn’t a conspiracy theory.

Coronavirus isn’t the biggest challenge anymore…no, this isn’t a conspiracy theory.

Coronavirus isn’t the main challenge anymore, there’s something more – and no this isn’t a conspiracy theory. As per the experts’ instructions, we’ve done what we can do to hopefully keep us out of the virus’s reach.  We wear masks, we exercise when we can, we keep social distancing, and we continuously wash our hands….

Albert Einstein’s Life Changing Lessons

Albert Einstein’s Life Changing Lessons

Albert Einstein’s Life-Changing Lessons. Albert Einstein is considered to be one of the greatest minds that has graced our planet. He believed in the power of the imagination – stating, “Value your imagination. The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination.“ In my interactive book, The Magic that’s Our’s “Magic” says to Joel and…

Modern day Entrepreneurs are similar to Pioneers of old.

I relate entrepreneurs to the pioneers of old. They have to be brave, deal with uncertainty, venture forth boldly into unknown territories, throwing caution to the wind, while risking all. As much as all the market research, product perfecting, and planning can be explored beforehand, at the end of the day, the entrepreneur has to…

What to do when we become anxious about achieving our goals?

What to do when we become anxious about achieving our goals?

What do  we do when our desired goals, which we’ve actively been pursuing,  don’t seem to be getting any nearer, or we’ve run out of ideas  of what to do and anxiousness starts to set it? Relax! I don’t say this lightly as it’s not always an easy thing to do.  But, haven’t you ever…

Why we don’t have to know exactly how we’re going to achieve our goals.

Many of the goals that we set for ourselves are positive, magnificent, grandiose, and in our minds eye they are majestic. Even though all of these qualities are extremely encouraging, not knowing how we are going to achieve the end result, coupled with the fact that the goals are (possibly) long term, can seed the…

How goal-setting creates a sense of community.

It’s always been said that more minds than one will reach a solution quicker. Does this apply to personal goals? According to Dr Gail Gross, in her blog post about goal-setting for children, one of the points she states  is that when setting goals with children, we want to communicate a feeling of community rather…