This last Sunday morning I was sitting outside in the garden, with my partner Helene- Marie. We were enjoying a cup of coffee on a warmer, clear, winter’s morning, chatting about this and that.
Helene – Marie mentioned something related to my Createfulness program that I run, and without realising it I was internally swimming in the pool of my mind with my creative thoughts about how to further develop the program.

After a while I heard a simmering, “where are you?” which brought me back into the moment, that and the peeved look, staring at me over the rim of the steaming cup.

“You were totally gone…!”

I know there’s been a lot said about being present and mindful, but what I’d just waded through was a fluid journey that would creatively develop a project I was busy with. The whole experience was different from just being distracted as it wasn’t me just treading water in an arbitrary escape,  but more like swimming in an expansive ocean of ideas and alternatives.

When I arrived back to the moment in the garden, coffee in hand, and warm sun on my face, I felt as energised as if I’d just swum laps in an Olympic size pool. I was buzzing.

In my Youtube video about the journey of Createfulness, using the analogy of a train trip  I show that to get from where we currently are, to our desired destination – whether an artful project, an entrepreneurial venture, or a new health regime discipline, etc. we’ll need to go on a journey.

But at times we’re not sure how the journey needs to unfold, and the more we think about it the more stressed and anxious we become,  which results in an emotional and mental hamster wheel.

Goal-SettingThe thing about being Createful, in whatever it means to us,  is not only the creative end result,  but also the trust in the createful journey needed to get there. It will include;

There is also something else needed…

  •  to take a step back from concentrating on it and stressing about it as that smothers the flow of being Createful.

What happened to me in the garden while enjoying my coffee and the conversation,  is that I was totally relaxed, enjoying my surroundings, was present,  and Helene- Marie mentioning something that triggered an “Aha” moment – where the idea seemingly came out of nowhere.

Haven’t you ever had something you needed to find the solution to, and try as you might, no solution could be found? Later on, you might have been walking somewhere or been in the shower, etc, a time when you were more relaxed and all of a sudden you had the “Aha” moment and the answer came to you.

There are different ways to seek out a solution or to take a creative project to the next level in the journey, but one of the ways is to take a step back, or go for a walk and breathe, or maybe just enjoy a cup of coffee with a loved one – because creativity swims there too.

I’m hosting a FREE 30 – minute webinar about the journey needed for Createfulness on Tuesday 4th Augsust at 19h00.

If you’re interested in attending please contact me on

and use “Createfulness Journey” in the heading tab, and I’ll send you the link.

Hopefully, I’ll see you there.

Have a great week.



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