So here I am sitting in my office, my door is closed and just short of a sign hanging on it saying, “DON’T DISTURB!!”
I’ve disconnected my internet connection, and my cell phone is upside down, off, and out of sight.
All of this just to write this post.
It probably all sounds quite extreme but this is what it takes for me not to become DISTRACTED.
I’m on this drive to find out more about our imagination, how we can develop it, what diminishes it, and how it will lead us into our new reality by being creative.
In my previous post, I spoke about some of the ways we can develop it – our imagination.
- Reading,
- Easy, light exercise outdoors releases our imagination to flow.
- Meditation,
- Flow Writing. (Writing, without stopping, as quickly as possible, anything that comes to mind.)
- Free drawing and Painting.
But for us to play with any of the tools there is one challenge that we have to deal with and that is DISTRACTIONS.
Being distracted is not a new thing that is unique because of the advent of the internet and especially social media. However, since recent times, at just the touch of a button, our focus is shifted instantly outward – to be entertained, externally stimulated, distracted, away from our imagination which we tap into by delving inward.
Not only do distractions instantly shift our focus but also it’s now all so instantaneous that we are affecting our attention span. One minute we’re responding to the beep of an incoming email, then it’s to check the notification of a social media post, then it’s the sound of a new message on the phone – it’s all like mental pinball with our attention being bounced from one distraction to the next. Even the clips we watch on social media are usually only a few minutes long before we switch to the next one.
This attention ping-pong has an effect on how we play with our imagination.
Every one of the tools I mentioned that helps to develop the imagination takes focus. We need time and focus to enjoy a book, to exercise, to be mindful, and to create – whether by writing or painting, etc. The more we allow distractions to affect our focus, the more distracted we become, and the less we focus…a vicious circle, but also the more dependent we become on external stimulation whereas creativity comes from the internal.
Our imagination is a gift – we use it to solve problems, plot, and plan, and create our personal masterpieces. It’s the seed from which all creativity flows.
The most amazing thing is that it’s within us for us to play with whenever we want to.
We are living in very interesting times and an uncertain future, with no reference points from the past, on how to deal with it. We have to look to the future and that we do by using our imaginations.
I believe we can create the lives we want by being imaginative and focused.
So how do we avoid distractions?
- Create “To Do” Lists and focus on one task at a time.
- Work in bursts of no longer than an hour at a time.
- Take 10 – 15 minute breaks between work sessions.
- Switch phones off, out of reach, and at best out of sight.
- When working on computers – keep the minimum tabs open with notifications off.
- Go for a walk without cell phones.
- Take time out to breathe and meditate.
- When going to sleep, leave phones in other rooms.
To view more about the formula to using our imaginations and creating magic – check out this video, which includes a magic trick.
To read about it click on this post link…but then you’ll miss out on the magic trick 😉