I’m happy to tell you this, but you are creative!
Sure you might not have a piece of art hanging in The Tate Gallery, or you mightn’t have won the Booker Prize for the novel you never wrote but I’m certain you’ve done the following;
- You’ve tried something new,
- You’ve been curious about something and explored it,
- You’ve made a mistake and rectified it,
Whether the 3 points above are related to a meal you’ve tried cooking for your family, the way you dress, a doodle you’ve scribbled on a piece of paper, a game you invented to entertain your child, an idea you thought up to take your business to the next level, or an adventure off the usually well-traveled and beaten track- I’m sure that at some stage during your life you’ve explored all of them.
And why are they so important?
Because they are what’s needed to develop creativity.
As mentioned in a previous post – the time in which we now find ourselves have no reference points in the past and we’re going to have to use our imagination and be creative to navigate our way through this period.
Each of us views the world through a unique lens. Our viewpoint has been influenced by our upbringing, values, beliefs, influences, interests, talents, successes, failures, and levels of courage.
However, the mainstream’s interpretation of being a successful creative is to be critically acclaimed and recognised. We compare ourselves to those “successes” and more often than not say, “I’m not creative.”
But we are unique individuals and uniquely creative.
Our interpretation and motivation of being creative is unique to us, but however we view it, and wherever we want to take it to can be developed by;
- Trying new things – something outside of our comfort zone, something to expand us – whether we enjoy it or not we’ll know soon enough.
- Being curious – read a blog, watch a Youtube clip or an article by someone who is of no interest to you about a topic that is outside of our usual radar – you might be surprised. It could also give you an idea for merging the known and the unknown. (on numerous occasions have seemingly disconnected ideas combined to create something amazing.
- Don’t fear failure – We live in a world where “not getting things right,” isn’t acceptable. Because of this, it has led to us limiting our courage to try new things. However, not getting something right is just discovering a new way of how not getting to our desired outcome.
Creativity is about innovating, and we innovate by being curious and trying new things, and by trying new things we have to open to 2 outcomes;
- Creating something we love and are happy with, or,
- Creating something we learn from, adjust, and try again until it becomes…something we love…
Being Creative is a part of us, but now more so than ever as we find ourselves pushed further into unchartered waters.
How does “Createfulness,” sound to you?
It merges Mind, – how we interpret it (creativity), Matter – what we offer, and Motivation – how and what we do with it. Whether you’re an artist, freelancer, solopreneur, office-bound, or someone who just wants to explore their own creativity further, to discuss, chat about, pick up, and implement tips to expand their own unique “Createfulness,” if you’re interested in participating in a questionnaire related to the content and the platforms, please click on this link.
Createfuly yours.