“The purpose of the beehive isn’t to make honey: Honey is a by-product of a healthy hive.”

The Song of Significance – Seth Godin

Why this quote emphasises the need to consider the wellbeing of those involved in any relationship, whether personal or professional

When we do that, we create a healthy environment.

An environment where people feel connected, respected, valued, accountable, creative, and productive. An environment that allows the time for self-understanding and the time to understand those around us.

Life is a team sport.

To ensure a healthy environment and results  we need to be self-aware-understand our natural traits, limitations, opportunities, and strengths, as well as of our partners or team members.

Self-awareness leads to a heightened self-belief and increased self-confidence. To be able to understand others – socially aware,  we need to be self-aware as these forms the bedrock of interpersonal relationships which contributes to a healthier environment.

As a registered coach and a certified trainer one of the areas I focus on is raising the levels of individual self-awareness, and the levels of social awareness enabling a feeling of connectedness and understanding of how we and team members function optimally, increasing the chances of understanding, synergy, and success within the team. Combining my qualifications and experience, with the various tools at my disposal I am able to meet the development objectives set out by the organisation to create a healthier environment.

We are all unique and are different.

Besides our different skills and limitations, we also have varying leadership and communication styles, and preferred productivity environments.  All of this influences us and affects how we interact with each other and perform.

Forming  a foundation, I use a full individual and organisation development trait-based assessment tool. Focusing on your individuality rather than conformity, I am able to determine your uniqueness and potential rather than how you fit into a box or need to conform.

For a team assessment I am able to provide a comprehensive approach and a trend analysis of natural traits, challenges, opportunities, and strengths of the team as a whole. Why this is important is because by making  people aware of these they get to understand how they and their team members operate creating an understanding among the team and a more personal, healthy, and productive environment.

It also assists with determining  if each team member is in the position linked to their skill set and who to delegate tasks to.

One of the tools at my disposal is i3 profiling and can be used for individual development, team development and workforce mapping, and development needs analysis.

How i3  individual analysis and development  works.

Considering 7 individual instinctive indicators the i3 profile assessment reveals totally unique combinations for each person as well as provide insight into the environment they are likely to be most productive and fulfilled within. The feedback is designed to encourage people to be more of themselves by working to their strengths as well as gaining a new perspective on how to relate to others. As an individual you will receive a 1on1 feedback session where both your hierarchy of traits as well as your preferred working environment will be discussed.

How i3 Team Dynamix analysis and development  works.

Just as in the i3 individual analysis and development, each individual team members’ profile and preferred working environment will be covered individually. Included in the Team Dynamix profiling is a facilitated team workshop where everyone can better understand, appreciate, and harness  one another’s unique strengths.

 What is covered.

  • Individual sessions with each team member
  • Preparing the team for the Team Dynamix session.
  • Aligning a leadership team.
  • Integrating a new team member – when a new team member is hired.

 How i3 workforce mapping development needs and analysis work.

This overview supports statistical and performance development analysis the organisation may have, by helping the business to focus on behavioural traits that will contribute to both organisation culture and cohesive working.

A bespoke analysis and  reports help organisations to:

  • Identify behavioural DNA – unique workforce trends, strengths, opportunities, and challenges to run alongside skills or statistical data.
  • Capture holistic insight into the wider workforce/specific teams as a whole and/or contrasted with the leadership.
  • Gain a greater awareness and understanding of environment preferences supporting objectives aligned to culture, productivity, and retention.
  • Increase awareness of relationships and communications between key teams, specifically where co dependencies exist.
  • Add value to key business and development plans.
  • Explore specific information supporting,
  • Organisation resourcing
  • Workforce/succession planning and skills analysis
  • Career management
  • Recruitment strategy
  • Outsourcing and partnering decisions.

Who would benefit from this.

Anyone who is interested in finding out more about their individual or team’s strengths, opportunities, challenges, and preferred working environment as well as

  • Leadership and Management alignment
  • Team Dynamics
  • Talent Management
  • Workforce planning
  • Communication
  • Change
  • Workforce Strengths
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