This morning I woke up and life seemed…shit!
The wind was howling and the rain pelted the shutters.
I hadn’t slept well due to stress. I was tired, irritated and all I saw was grey…through very scratchy eyes.
Getting out of bed wasn’t my 1st choice.
I’m busy with creating a new online program and to get it reviewed and accredited it’s going to take time and cost money – both of which are in limited supply at the moment. Well.., hopefully, I have time, I can’t for any reason imagine why I don’t…but then again you never know :).
So basically I’m frustrated that this new program will cost me funds of which I have limited supply, and therein lies the perpetrator of my sleepless night.
I pulled up my duvet cover under my chin, settled further into my puffy pillow, and wondered if any of the past pioneers, explorers, and adventurers had ever had to endure such hardships while they were on their journey to discovering and creating new worlds.
In recent videos, I’ve been chatting about what’s needed for us to do when we embark on an adventurous journey of creation.
- There’s the desired destination
- the starting point, and
- the journey needed to connect the two.
Past adventurers probably had to explore the exact same points.
- What was their destination?
- Where was the starting point?
- What would the journey entail?
So I’m going to call myself and anyone who is creating something, a modern-day adventurer.
We live in a world of control or controlling. We have to get up at a certain time, be at work at a certain time, we should believe in something, read x amount, communicate in a certain way, carry ourselves in a certain way…etc
The only difference between us and past explorers is that currently, We’re now living in a world where instant gratification is prevalent. We get hungry, we can order in at the touch of a button. We feel like settling down to a movie, we can view at the touch of a button. We need to gather information, We can push a button and it appears. All of which have an effect on our patience.
An adventurers journey is usually fraught with obstacles, challenges, deviations, delays, amendments, waiting…, all of which take patience, the relinquishing of control, trust, and perseverance. Except for the modern-day phone calls and emails, it’s probably similar to what the pioneers of old experienced. That and possibly hostile locals and a few deadly diseases. So really, getting out of my warm and comfortable bed didn’t seem all that bad.
When we want something badly enough 2 things tend to happen.
- We usually want it right now. (In the modern world)
- We’ll stick with it, change course if we have to, and continue to persevere.
My realisation that I’m a modern-day explorer wanting to get to my “new world”, makes me want to persevere. It’s this that got me out of bed, got me showered, made me drink my coffee, sat me down at my laptop, and transferred the funds.
The thing is that whenever we create something, whether it’s some self-development initiative, an artful project, a new hobby, or a potentially world-altering start-up, we take on an adventurous journey, just like the adventurers of old.
Just like them, all that’s needed is a bit of patience, letting go of control and the belief and desire that we’re going to get there sooner or later.
Enjoy the adventure