“As we develop within, the benefits are also experienced without.”

Programs  inspiring creativity and leadership from within.

Each client and team have unique needs. The key is understanding your specific requirements or how we can help address a challenge or problem you might be facing. You might prefer working one-on-one with a coach, or you may need a facilitator to guide your team’s development.

As a COMENSA-registered Transformation and NLP Coach, an i3 Personality and Team Dynamix coach, and a SAQA-certified trainer, I can fulfil both roles effectively.

For more information, please explore the sections on “1:1 Coaching” and “Live Programs.

I3 Profile

The foundation for talent management solutions

Self-Awareness is a key skill needed for personal leadership development.

I3 is a personality profile and preferred productivity environment assessment tool it’s focus is on individuality rather than conformity. This means that every output shows you the potential of an individual rather than how they fit in a box or need to conform. It assists in showcasing how the individual operates, and  how they learn, and problem solve. It is a tool that promotes self-awareness.

The procedure includes an online assessment questionnaire that will take between 10 – 15 minutes. This is followed up with a 1:1 feedback session

I3 Team Dynamix

Team Dynamix is crucial for a team to operate optimally. Expanding on from i3 profiling, I3 Team Dynamix highlights the working of the team, How they operate, solve problems and pick up information. The role of i3 Team Dynamix assessment is to showcase how the individuals fit into the team, how the team operates, and suggest if any changes need to be made.

The procedure includes  an individual online assessment questionnaire that will take between 10 – 15 minutes. This is followed up with a 1:1 feedback session with each individual. And to bring it all together a 3–4-hour group feedback session.

Coaching and Consulting

Taking on a coach is working with an accountability partner. Someone who will listen to you, work with you, communicate effectively with you, brainstorm ideas with you, and hold you accountable along your journey  towards your desired outcome. This coaching can be facilitated on an individual basis or can continue post any of the previously mentioned programs.

 If you feel you need a more personal development experience in the areas of:

  • Personal leadership
  • Executive functioning
  • Interpersonal communication skill
  • Creative problem solving and brainstorming
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