Recently I read this quote by Albert Einstein, “Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value,” and it got me thinking. 

Our interpretation of success is a personal thing and if striving for success becomes all-consuming, it could result in us becoming self-centered.

However, if we prefer to be of value, not only is it altruistic, but it could also assist us in identifying what success means to us.

Whether we’re in business, a relationship, an artist, or just working on ourselves, if we give of ourselves more –  offer value,  our clients, partners, lovers, etc. will appreciate us and want to continue being a part of us.

So how to be of value?

In 2018 I attended an Anthony Robbin’s seminar in London.

During the seminar, he chatted about the 6 Human Needs which form the basis of our choices. 

He broke these needs down to “Personality” needs and “Higher or Spiritual” needs.

The Personality needs are:

  • Certainty (The need for security, comfort, etc) Uncertainty (surprises, challenges, excitement, etc)

These 2  personality needs are a paradox, as focusing on one too much will result in the neglect of the other and ultimately unbalance

  • Significance (The need to have meaning, feel needed, to be noticed, accepted, etc)  Love and Connection (The need to be loved, unified, connected, etc)

These 2  physical needs are also a paradox.


The Higher/Spiritual needs are:

  • Growth (The need for emotional, intellectual, and spiritual growth.)
  • Contribution ( The need to care for, protect, and serve others.)

There is no paradox with these 2 needs, they’re stand-alone.

To answer the question of how to be of Value, I want to turn these needs on their head.

If we fulfill the need of Contribution, we give more of ourselves to the other – whether, in business or love, we offer more value. However, for this, we probably would have to step out of our comfort zone.  This, in turn, will not only help them to Grow but will also contribute to our own Growth.

As we both Grow, we’ll learn more about ourselves which could lead to more Love and Connection with ourselves and with others  – added value.

As we  Grow, Love, and Connect, more, our internal Significance will develop, building our self-confidence, making it more comfortable to deal with both the planned and unplanned Uncertainty, as well as to deal with the Certainties that occur on a daily basis.

By starting with Contribution,  internal and external growth will happen. This can result in a better understanding of ourselves. As we learn about ourselves and our uniqueness more, then we’ll be able to identify what success means to us.  As we’ve already been through the journey which led to the offering of more value, it’s a win-win for everyone.

So shouldn’t the question be, “How can I contribute more?”


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