It’s Magic

Whenever I do either of the 2 magic tricks  that I know the audience is left truly speechless before they almost always ask, “how did you do that?”

One is a card trick,  and the other one involves making 3 nuts disappear into thin air.

So what exactly am I doing when I’m doing the “magic” tricks?

Without taking the fun out of it, all I’m doing is showing them something that I know how to do that they don’t  – which seems like magic and leaves them amazed.

My partner – Helene-Marie is an interior designer. We recently bought a house which was built in 1910 making it quite old, in relatively good condition, but needs quite a bit of work. Besides my slightest input (thankfully,) I never contributed much to the end result.  When I arrived on the day we were to move in I was left speechless, amazed, and blurted out, “how did you do that?”


So is she a magician?

Yes, she is.

In fact, we all are.

So why’s that?

Helene- Marie has the training and expertise as an interior designer so she knew HOW she was going to do what she wanted to do. She also IMAGINED what she wanted to do.


I know that few will say that she created magic because she has the training to do that, and yes they’re right, but the ideas have to come from somewhere. How she executes them is where the training comes in – but it all starts with her IMAGINATION – IMAGINING what can be done.

Every creative idea begins with our IMAGINATION and that combined with the HOW  enables us to create MAGIC.

The HOW part of the MAGIC can always be learned.

I speak at schools, colleges, and business networks about  –  among other topics, the gift of our imagination. At the beginning of the talk, I always show one of the card tricks I mentioned – but I tell the audience that this is just a trick and that somewhere in my talk I’m going to show them a MAGIC we all possess.

Children's book
Interactive Children’s Book

A while ago I wrote a children’s book The Magic that’s Ours. After my publisher went out of business at the 11th hour I decided to independently publish my book. The slight challenge was that I knew NOTHING about the world of publishing. But I wanted it published, so I did everything to acquire the knowledge needed for me to publish my book. I learned the HOW. 

During my talk, I hold up a copy of the children’s book and mention that what I’m holding in my hand originally wasn’t a book. It was just a story I had IMAGINED. I wrote it down After a while I IMAGINED that one day it would be a book… and now it is. 

That’s pure magic…and we all possess it!

We create things all the time. Sometimes they’re big and other times not so. Initially, they will almost always begin with our IMAGINATION.

We can always learn the HOW, but how do we develop the IMAGINATION?

There are numerous ways

  1. Reading – as we read a word we create a picture in our mind.
  2. Meditation – the quieter the mind, the more the creativity flows.
  3. Exercise – walking, jogging, etc outdoors activates the imagination.
  4.  Writing.

There is a writing exercise that stimulates the imagination, and the amazing thing is that we don’t have to be a great writer.

All we need to do is take a pen and a few pieces of A4 paper and just start writing without stopping. Even if we run

Just Write

out of ideas, just keep on writing down ANYTHING, to keep the momentum going. You will notice that after a while topics, conversations, and ideas flow onto the page. 

If you have an idea, venture, creative project, that you want to develop or take to the next level and you’re not sure how to do it, do the exercise mentioned but write with the project, or what the challenge is, in mind, and don’t stop writing. Just let it flow. You’ll be amazed at what comes up.

Write for a minimum of 2 A4 pages.

To view the video which includes a “Magic” Trick click on “video.”






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