Why we don’t have to know exactly how we’re going to achieve our goals.

Many of the goals that we set for ourselves are positive, magnificent, grandiose, and in our minds eye they are majestic. Even though all of these qualities are extremely encouraging, not knowing how we are going to achieve the end result, coupled with the fact that the goals are (possibly) long term, can seed the…

17 Teenagers give feedback after a goal-setting workshop!

On Saturday the 28th January Calm in Storm, facilitated a 5 hour goal-setting workshop to 17 teenagers from 4 different NGO’s. The Western Cape Network for Peace and Development arranged for the 4 NGO’s; New World Foundation,  Amandla EduFootball, Beth Uriel, and Yabonga to send through 15 people to attend, but the response was so overwhelming that we ended up…

Goal- setting workshops for teenagers during October School Holidays

During the October school Holidays (In Cape Town) I will be facilitating a series of 1 day goal-setting workshops for teenagers. On Thursday the 9th Oct the workshop will be for Grade 8-9’s and; on Friday the 10th October it will be facilitated to Grade 10-12’s. Details for the workshops are as follows: The aim of the workshop…