Leadership effectiveness

What is an effective leader, and can I become one with training?

What is an effective leader? Some of the questions I commonly receive as an accredited leadership trainer and a credentialed Life and Transformation coach when I’m facilitating my leadership skills program is “What is an effective leader?”, “What is effective leadership?” or “How do effective leaders behave?” I always like to start with what effective…

Leadership and Communication Skills – College Students

Leadership and Communication Skills – College Students

I do realise that we’re currently experiencing very uncertain times. However, I wanted to introduce myself and bring to your attention what I offer in the way of upskilling students in Leadership and Life Skills. I can only imagine the stresses and strains that Chefs, kitchen, and hospitality staff must endure. Hot and enclosed environment,…

Being of Value is being able to Contribute more?

Being of Value is being able to Contribute more?

Recently I read this quote by Albert Einstein, “Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value,” and it got me thinking.  Our interpretation of success is a personal thing and if striving for success becomes all-consuming, it could result in us becoming self-centered. However, if we prefer to be of value,…

“Load, aim and shoot, or Load, shoot and aim…?”

I recently heard somewhere that, according to a very prominent (big) business consultant, the philosophy of many companies is not “Load, aim, and shoot,” but rather to “Load, Shoot and then aim..!” Using either philosophy one should still get to the same result as either way, we still need to listen to the market and adjust accordingly…