10. Boundaries, structure, and prioritising – all sound stifling, but are needed for creativity.

10. Boundaries, structure, and prioritising – all sound stifling, but are needed for creativity.

Coping with shutting down a successful business and laying off staff members due to Covid, and then managing to pick yourself and carrying on takes some doing. Open and honest communication has to happen.  New boundaries and priorities need to be set and structure needs to be placed so that continued growth can e allowed…

9. “Design Thinking” – so much more than just “Design and Thinking.”

9. “Design Thinking” – so much more than just “Design and Thinking.”

Have you ever had a conversation with someone who sheds so much light on a topic that you realise that your perception related to it was so wrong? Well, that’s what happened to me during my chat with Jolanda de Villiers Morkel of Stadio Higher education on this latest episode of the Creatfulness podcast where…

Being of Value is being able to Contribute more?

Being of Value is being able to Contribute more?

Recently I read this quote by Albert Einstein, “Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value,” and it got me thinking.  Our interpretation of success is a personal thing and if striving for success becomes all-consuming, it could result in us becoming self-centered. However, if we prefer to be of value,…