YOU! have the recipe for your success!

A  version of this talk given at The Red and Yellow Creative School of Business and can be viewed here.

Inspiring 250 businesswomen and entrepreneurs into pursuing their dreams.

Ever since becoming a professional photographer my dream has been to have a coffee-table book with my name on it. I now have 2 – the only books on their subjects.photographic coffee-table books

I never realised that when my publisher for my 1st children’s book went out of business it would lead me on a path to not only fulfilling my dream but also included a journey of self-discovery and understanding the tools needed to achieve our dreams. This tongue in cheek styled talk goes through the “recipe” for what’s needed for us to achieve our dreams. With comparisons to Sir Richard Branson, and Michael Jordan this recipe includes;

Public Speaking

  • The gift of imagination
  • What excites us enough to want it?
  • Why do we want it?
  • By when do we want it?
  • Why we have to write down our goals?
  • The first step is bigger than the whole picture.
  • Belief X3
  • The choices we have available to us.
  • Natural Ability vs Perseverance
  • The need to hustle!

A  version of this talk given at The Red and Yellow Creative School of Business and can be viewed here. An edited version of the talk was also presented at Pecha Kucha Cape Town.

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