Welcome to the intro of the Createfulness podcast

I believe we are all uniquely creative and I know that Leadership skills can be developed. I also believe that there is a lot of synergy between the two. No matter what the level of the creative project – whether it’s just a hobby, or something more, it usually involves working a lot by ourselves whether a future collaboration is involved or not.

A lot of thought goes into it, a lot of planning, and a lot of creative exploration. This is not too dissimilar to how a leader operates. A lot of the work is done internally and alone before collaborating and bringing in the team. And that is what this podcast is about. It’s about exploring creativity and leadership.

 How they are both joined at the hip, how exploring both of them benefits each one, and how we can develop them both.

For me being considered creative isn’t about having an artwork hanging at a gallery or having won a prize for a short story or the likes, it’s being able to create something from an idea or transforming something from one state to another. It’s a transformation in action no matter whether it’s an external project or a desired internal change.

The interesting thing is that it relates to what a leader does – they create a vision or work towards one, implementing transformation within the idea and the team, achieving something new for both.

I feel that if we are willing to be curious, be courageous, commit, be adaptable, be optimistic, put in some effort while having fun – some of which are traits of a leader,  we can discover and enjoy our unique brand of creativity.

So how does this connect to developing leadership skills?

Being Creative involves, trying new things, being curious, and being prepared to make mistakes. And we need to embrace this to become a better leader.

Being Createful is the combination of mind, matter, motivation, and the effortfulness related to creative expression.

The Mind part, is how we think and feel about being creative, and how it applies to us.

The Matter part is asking the question, what is it that we offer creatively?

The motivation part of it is twofold, what motivates us to do it, and secondly, what do we want to do with it?

And the  “effortful” part, which is a term  I picked up from a Brene Brown talk, is related to “how much effort do we want to put into it?”

Basically, Createfulness is a holistic approach to creativity while incorporating the traits of a leader.

The important thing about being Createful is that it’s not about whether we’re good or bad at it, but rather the feeling it invokes in us and the enjoyment we get out of participating in it. The other important thing is that creativity and leadership are available to everyone.

And that is what this podcast is really about. How developing our Createfulness can excite, motivate and stimulate us further, and how developing our leadership skills can help us to lead our way through life as opposed to just managing it.  As I believe that,  especially now, being creative and acting as a leader can contribute greatly to our wellbeing as we journey through life.

So what will this podcast include?

 Twice a month I’m going to be chatting with people – whether leaders, teachers, entrepreneurs, remote workers, artists anyone willing to share their take on what it is to a createful. Besides the guest sharing their valuable input, there will also be takeaway points for you the audience to play within your own time.

Each month will be themed,  and the podcast will form part of a bigger interactive membership program. gX7nTCoaEOQfJDHhdtcA 

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