This week saw the launch of my 4th title The Journey that’ Ours As you can imagine it was a massive week for me and yes I do feel very proud. But it got me thinking about the launch of my first book The Magic that’s Ours which was launched way back in 2005.
I remember that after the launch of that book I sat back feeling very self-satisfied and thought that now the book is out all is good and well and I can relax. I can’t even begin to imagine how many books are launched on a daily basis, but I’m sure it’s more than all the fingers on both my hands. So more is needed than just to launch a book. It has to be marketed.
Every author should have a website . Every media outlet needs to be contacted with a 1sheeter. This 1sheeter should have links to the website. The 1sheeter should be sent to all the relevant radio, TV, print-media as well as all social networking sites. The word has to get out by any means possible that the book is now released and available. One cannot be shy at this time – be brave – caution thrown to the wind etc. BUT as the media gets inundated with loads of requests more is needed to be done so that the released title sticks out.
The world of publishing is changing dramatically with EBooks now outselling print copies by about 15%. So it’s cheaper to produce a book, but more importantly it’s now easier to give away gifts with every book launch. A gift give away is a great promotional tool to get people interested and excited about the book release. I mean who doesn’t like a gift ?
So here it is. All of my books which have been written for the youth, but not the photographic coffee- table book, are now available in both print and EBook format. And the gift is…?
For every purchase from my website of The Journey that’s Ours, in either EBook or print copy during this week only, the purchaser will receive free EBook copies of The Magic that’s Ours, The Power that’s Ours, AND a visualization guided-meditation download. 3 gifts for the price of one book. Xmas come early? Oh no wait…Happy Easter! My website has been very busy this week. I haven’t had to do much except monitor that all of the gifts are being sent out correctly. You’ve just got to love technology.
So thanks to all for the kind wishes that have been sent, it is truly appreciated.
Come the weekend I will pat myself on the back,(thanks to yoga), I’ll put my feet up and have that long overdue glass of champagne. Come next week I’m going to be hassling all the media outlets about reviews, interviews and exposure….