I  just want to digress from the corporate sponsorship for a moment.


I’m sure you know what I’ve been up to over the last year or so with writing and marketing books, and as you can well imagine it’s been a pretty tough year for most.

Switching on the computer knowing that you have X amount of words to write or calls to make can definitely toy with ones head. At times  it can be difficult to stay motivated and keep our heads clear and focused. But hey, …we’re still around. 

Last March I was forwarded an email about a concept that would help people stay motivated while pursuing their goals. Due to the topics of my books you can imagine that it grabbed my attention.  So I checked out the site http://www.BeMotivatedToday.com/4948 to see what it was all about.


Before I go any further I want to add that this is a multi level marketing concept-but it does seem to work. Whether you decide to get involved in the marketing side of it is obviously up to you, but the one cool thing about it is that every day I receive an email from these guys with a different motivational message and I’m always blown away by how on the button the message is, and how it relates to my thoughts.

I know messages can be found all over the website, but for me this way seems to work.

For me working at home by myself, times can seem bleak when things aren’t going the way I want them to, and these messages just seem to give me a little bit of kick. Much like my first cup of coffee.

Hey it works for me, but then again it might not work for you.


Check out the site http://www.BeMotivatedToday.com/4948 for more info about how it all works… or don’t.

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