After receiving all the very kindly, positive and eloquently written rejection letters, I can be forgiven for expecting a boisterous, back slapping announcement- with all the bells and whistles- when the news that my sponsorship had finally come through. But this was not to be the case…but at that point in time I didn’t really care as when the sponsorship notification  was received- via phone-  my emotions o superseded any popping champagne bottles; shouting, screaming, cheering, and dancing in the streets kind of antics…

It felt great- and it still does.

The sponsorship didn’t cover the full proposal- but it was most definitely enough to lift my spirits knowing that I could now go out and buy more than just rice, chick peas and apples- my staple diet for a while:). It was also fantastic knowing that 1000 children – the majority sick and  from previously disadvantaged areas would be receiving their own books .
And it gave me the assurance that my proposal had merit which re-ignited my desire to seek further sponsorship, while  ignoring the ratio of about 50:1 rejection letters to confirmation notification.

Part of the sponsorship deal was that each book’s cover would be printed with “Proudly donated by (the company’s name)”, and that  there would be a Foreword message, from the sponsor, printed into the book.

And how things suddenly changed; all of a sudden the slow grinding wheels of the corporation went into overdrive and now results needed to be delivered.

Throughout my correspondence with this company- who I came to understand were the most likely to sponsor- I kept on telling them about the lead time for production and how it would extend the closer we came to the end of the year.  They paid the deposit in early November and wanted the roll out by the 15th Dec- but as I’d still not received the final foreword from them by late November this was not going to happen.

As it was so close to the end of the year- and a delay in one final decision (from the Sponsor) the roll out had to be shifted from late November 2010 until very early 2011.

A 50% deposit was paid so that I could go to the printers with confirmation that all was about to  definitely happen and to hold this year’s printing prices.

I recently reflected on was the whole journey worth it and to put it into perspective:

 Since  The Magic that’s Ours 
was launched in 2007 just over 1000 copies have been sold through book stores, schools, fairs, markets etc = 1000 copies in 3 years. The Power that’s Ours
(Before sponsorship) has sold 700 copies in since launching in March 2009 = 700 copies in 21 Months

With Sponsorship, 1000 copies  sold and 50% paid for in 9 months.

At times it did feel like a pregnancy but now I am feeling like a proud parent! 

So until 2011 then- (where I’ll actively be pushing for Twins)

I hope a fantastic festive break is enjoyed by all.

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