When sending out 1 Sheeters and requesting, exposure, reviews and interviews, the chances that the reviewer would want to see a review copy or 2 of the book is very high. As these copies will come from the original print-run, the delivery  including postage/couriering must be calculated into the costings.

The print run for my most recent book  – Down The Line t was 1000 copies, but the printer did deliver 1100 units. Of that 45 copies, along with the 1 sheeter, have been sent out to different media outlets around the country.

And my success rate?

Exposure  and review – pre- launch,  in a wine industry online  Ezine  – http://www.winestyle.co.za/

Print interview and exposure in a National Newspaper – Die Burger

Televised interview for a national newspaper’s online publication-https://garyhirson.com/media/

Print interview and exposure in a local newspaper The Tatler  – https://garyhirson.com/media/

Radio interview on Voice of the Cape literacy show at  11am – Thursday 15th November 2012 on – 100.4fm; 95.8fm; 90.9fm



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