A couple of posts ago I spoke about the workshops that I was planning to give to high school students.

It’s one thing declaring that workshops will be on offer but it’s another thing putting together a professional package.

There is logistics involved like:

Course content, trial runs, duration, times, numbers of attendees, venues, marketing, and how will the attendee benefit.

The content of my workshops is what I write about, but being an author or illustrator workshops can be done on numerous things like, becoming a writer or what/how to illustrate. The important thing is that you are getting to meet your readers and assist them. But also, they are getting to meet you.Imparting knowledge-whatever it is- to your readers can go a very long way.

The content is related to what I write about-imagination, values, self belief, goal setting, visualization and affirmation.

Because high school students and their parents for that matter don’t have too much extra time on their hand-and their attention span (the students that is) the class duration could only be 90 minutes, including breaks. The course would be run weekly over 5 weeks or over 3 1/2 mornings during school holidays.

The venue is just a nearby hall that already has tables chairs, toilets and a kettle so that tea, coffee, cold drinks and biscuits can be supplied during the breaks.

The trial runs of the workshop has been completed with the final kinks ironed out.

Below is the advert that went out to all I could think of who could help me in getting the word out. This included my data base of schools and teachers who have come to know me through my talks.




Goal-Setting Workshops for High School Students.

  • Facilitated by the author of The Magic that’s Ours and The Power that’s Ours, Gary Hirson now conducts workshops for high school students  covering the topics in his books.
  • Having  goals is one thing but achieving them takes time, understanding and perseverance. This interactive workshop will go through the tools that are needed, covering the following ideas.
  1. Discovering our values and self-belief.
  2. Mind-mapping and the breakdown of setting a goal.
  3. The gift of imagination, and visualisation techniques.
  4. The importance of affirmations and positive thinking.
  5. The idea of being grateful for what we have, and rewarding ourselves while pursuing our goals.
  • The course is run over 5 sessions at 90 minutes per session, including breaks.
  •  Courses are run either once a week over 5 weeks (during school term), or daily over a week during school holidays.
  • Up to 12 students per group
  • Grade 8-9 (14-15 age group) together in one group and grade 10-12’s(16-18 age group)together in another group.(Facilitated separately)

The cost of the workshop is R1200 per attendee which includes a workbook and a signed copy of The Power that’s Ours.

Course dates: 14th-18th June (am and pm), 21st-25th June (am and pm),            28th June-2nd July (am and pm) 

About the Facilitator.

Gary Hirson is the author of The Magic that’s Ours and The Power that’s Ours. Besides founding, managing and selling two successful businesses, he also decided to self publish his first book after his publisher went out of business at the 11th hour – all of which took some serious self-belief and goal-setting. He is also a professional photographer and magazine-writer, shooting for both local and international clients.

For booking details contact Gary on 083 608 2194 or gary@garyhirson.com

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